JXK/YXK calls for solidarity with Boğaziçi students
The Kurdish student associations JXK and YXK call for solidarity with the resistance at Boğaziçi University and to smash fascism together.
The Kurdish student associations JXK and YXK call for solidarity with the resistance at Boğaziçi University and to smash fascism together.
Since Monday, students at Boğaziçi University in Istanbul have been protesting against the state-appointed rector. On the very first day, there was massive police violence on campus, followed by martial house searches at various addresses on Tuesday and Wednesday, during which several dozen students were arrested.
More and more student bodies from other universities have supported this resistance. The student associations of the JXK (Association of Women Students from Kurdistan) and the YXK (Association of Students from Kurdistan) also show solidarity with the struggle of the Istanbul students and call to smash fascism with the "spirit of the 68 revolution".
"Who, if not us, when, if not now?"
The joint statement of JXK and YXK reads as follows:
“For days, thousands of students at universities in Turkey have been protesting against the Erdogan-appointed rector at Boğaziçi University in Istanbul, Melih Bulu, a man loyal to the AKP. Thousands of students are showing their reflexes against this trustee and turning their anger into continuous resistance, which first started in Istanbul at Boğaziçi University and then spread like wildfire to other cities. The students are clearly showing that they do not accept Melih Bulu and the Erdoğan regime, which is imposing the AKP favorite on the university.
The AKP/MHP regime is currently trying to transform universities into a complete branch of its fascist system, creating a penitentiary for slaves.
However, universities are places where free thinking is created, but also places where seeds of revolution are sown. The '68 revolution is particularly characterized by the fact that it was led primarily by students. Therefore, the role and mission of students in the university against the state’s oppressive system is important.
The fascist Erdoğan system is trying to destroy the university autonomy, the youth's answer to this is resistance. With the spirit of Deniz Gezmiş, Mahir Çayan, İbrahim Kaypakkaya, Mazlum Doğan, Kemal Pir and Haki Karer, the university youth have taken action against AKP/MHP fascism to break the chains of the fascist government.
The fascist AKP/MHP regime is trying to break the will of students and a whole society. However, you should know that the power and dynamism of the society is undoubtedly the youth. The students can make a whole society act. Of course, this action against fascism is connected with organizing. Therefore, with the existing potential, the students must recognize their role and mission and thus also be a response to this phase, because fascism can only be smashed with a resistant and organized struggle. The students must see themselves as successors of the 68 movement and act with this spirit. And with the spirit of the 68 movement, it is time to fight against AKP/MHP fascism.
We as the Association of Students from Kurdistan and Association of Women Students from Kurdistan want the struggle and resistance to be made a principle in Europe and worldwide. Against all forms of AKP/MHP fascism, we call for actions with the spirit of resistance of July 14 in Diyarbekir Prison (Amed) and insist on success. With the slogan of the 68 movement, "If not you, then who? If not now, when?" we welcome the resistance of the students in Kurdistan and Turkey.”