KCDK-E calls on people to join marches for Rojava on 14 December
KCDK-E called for marches for Rojava to be organised on December 14, "If we increase the resistance we will get historical results," the KCDK-E said.
KCDK-E called for marches for Rojava to be organised on December 14, "If we increase the resistance we will get historical results," the KCDK-E said.
The European Kurdish Democratic Society Congress (KCDK-E) co-presidency issued a written statement about the marches to be organised on 14 December against the invasion of Rojava.
The statement recalled the invasion attacks launched by Turkey in 9 October and the massacres against the civilian population, the latest be that of Til Rifat in which 10 people, 8 of them children, were killed in front of the eyes’ world.
The statement underlined that “the International powers and states ignored these massacres and therefore are partners in crime.”
The KCDK-E also reminded that “the international forces who negotiated on the exemplary social life of the Kurdish, Assyrian, Armenian, Yazidi, Alevi, Muslim and Christian peoples finally approved the continuation of the massacre at the NATO meeting in London.”
The statement called on everyone to join the marches to be organised around Europe on 14 December. “Internationalist uprisings and marches for Rojava will be held worldwide promoted by Defend Rojava, Women Defend Rojava and Rise Up for Rojava.”