KCDK-E calls on Kurds to join the Climate Strike

KCDK-E called for participation in the global climate strike against the capitalist modernity that destroyed nature.

The European Kurdish Democratic Society Congress (KCDK-E) Co-presidential Council issued a written statement about the fourth climate strike that will take place this year.

KCDK-E said: "It is of particular importance that the fourth strike this year coincides with Black Friday, the fraud of the capitalist system. Demonstrators around the world will stand up and call for justice for the rapidly destroyed world and climate."

The statement added: "It is very important that all Kurds, environmentalists, ecologists, women free people and all people who struggle for humanity participate actively in this anti-capitalist themed climate strike that will take place on Black Friday.

A new Climate Strike march will take place in Madrid on 2 December, the day in which the Climate Change summit will start in Madrid.

"We, the Kurds living in Europe, - said the statement - should actively participate in the global Climate Strike action that will take place all over the world."