KCDK-E calls for protest actions everywhere against Turkish occupation and genocide

KCDK-E calls for mass protests everywhere to oppose the genocide of the Turkish state in continuous mobilisation.

The Congress of Democratic Societies of Kurdistan in Europe (KCDK-E) released a statement calling on the Kurdish people to “mobilise against the invasion attacks of the genocidal Turkish state against Southern Kurdistan, Shengal and guerrilla areas and to carry out protest actions everywhere."

Bashur and Shengal are under serious threat

The statement released by KCDK-E on Friday reads as follows:

"The AKP-MHP fascist alliance, which has failed in its total annihilation attacks against the Kurdish people, insists on continuing the war to eliminate all the gains of the Kurdish people.

The genocidal Turkish state has brought this war to a new stage by co-operating with collaborator forces and regional states. To this end, all provocation attempts and opportunities are employed. The gains and freedom of the Kurdish people are targeted in the attacks carried out with the full support of the KDP.

Bashûr (Southern Kurdistan) and Shengal (Sinjar) are under serious threat. The Turkish state wants to occupy and annex Bashûr and Shengal and to perpetrate a genocide just like it did in Afrin. The KDP is working as a side arm of the Turkish state, preparing the ground for the occupation and mobilising all its means for this.

The KDP has completely abandoned control to the Turkish army

The intensive military deployment to Southern Kurdistan continues with the support of the KDP. By opening the official roads to the invading Turkish army, the KDP has completely abandoned control to the Turkish army. The Turkish state aims to take over the administration in Southern Kurdistan by expanding the invasion attacks.

Instead of taking a consistent stance against the impositions of the Turkish state, the Iraqi government has joined the occupation and genocide policies of the Turkish state. This partnership, which will threaten the future of the Iraqi peoples, is a serious danger that does not benefit the Iraqi peoples.

Our future, our lands and our history are targeted by the attacks

The Kurdish freedom movement has been waging a just and legitimate struggle for the free future of our peoples for more than 40 years. The target of the attacks are the gains of the Kurdish people and all the values of Kurdistan. It is our future, our lands and our history that are targeted by attacks. Assimilation and genocide are offered to the Kurdish people instead of a free future.

In order for these attacks to be repelled and for the Kurdish people to live in free conditions, all our patriotic people must be aware of the danger and resist with a clear and strong embracement. Only in this way can the attacks of occupation and genocide be repelled. Only in this way can our lands, for which thousands have given their lives, be protected.

Our people must stand up strongly against occupation, betrayal and genocide

Our people must be aware of the consequences of the increasing danger, and stand up strongly against occupation, betrayal and genocide by expressing their democratic reactions wherever they live. Wherever we are, we must shout out our reaction and attitude against occupation on the streets. We call for total resistance against total attacks and collaborationist betrayal.

On this occasion, we should take all the actions planned in Europe over the weekend as an occasion for mass protests, and we should oppose the genocide of the Turkish state in a state of continuous mobilisation."