KCDK-E calls for increased protests against Turkish attacks over the weekend
The Kurdish European umbrella organization KCDK-E called for the expansion of the protest against the Turkish attacks on Rojava and South Kurdistan.
The Kurdish European umbrella organization KCDK-E called for the expansion of the protest against the Turkish attacks on Rojava and South Kurdistan.
The largest Kurdish European umbrella organization, KCDK-E, assessed the Europe-wide protests of the past two days against the Turkish attacks on Rojava and South Kurdistan as "very important" and called for the protest to be "brought to the highest level" at the weekend.
"Despite chemical weapons and collaborators, the Turkish state was defeated"
The statement said: "Turkish colonialism has mobilized all its resources to destroy the Kurdish freedom movement. After a complex preparation and planning, military operations are carried out without a break. The operation against the Medya Defense Zones, based on technological superiority, was crushed. The Turkish state committed crimes against humanity using all sorts of chemical weapons. It used local collaborators and its best special forces, but despite all this, it suffered defeat against the Kurdish freedom forces."
"Plans in Hesekê didn't work out"
The statement continued: "The remnants of the Islamic State were assembled, equipped and the attack on Hesekê was prepared. The aim was to revitalize ISIS, make it regain its support and destroy the achievements of the Kurdish freedom struggle with the attack on Sina prison. But the plans didn't work out. The freedom forces of Rojava, with great sacrifice, foiled this plan and inflicted another defeat on the Islamic State. With the current attacks, the Turkish state is now trying to hide its defeat and to take revenge for the hard-hit ISIS. However, it is clear that such attacks will not bring any results."
"Turkish state encouraged by international silence on its crimes"
The statement added: "The world public and our people should know that Turkish colonial fascism is failing on every front against the Kurdish freedom struggle. It is experiencing a historic low in the military, economic and diplomatic spheres. Although this attack is aimed at covering up its own ineptitude and deep crisis, this reality is fully apparent. The Turkish state flouts international conventions and is encouraged to carry out these attacks by the silence of the regional powers and the international community.
"Protests in Europe must increase"
The protests of the Kurdish people and their friends in Europe with the aim of condemning the attacks, mobilizing the international public and building pressure, which has taken place in all countries in the past two days, are extremely valuable. However, in order to expose the crimes against humanity carried out by Turkish colonialism and to make the world powers take their responsibility, it is necessary to further step up the resistance and take it to the highest level over the weekend. Nobody should sit back at this point and say that actions have already been taken. The peoples of Kurdistan, their internationalist friends, all revolutionary and democratic forces must take these two days as a start and plan bigger, more effective and result-oriented actions and let them culminate at the weekend."