KCDK-E health committee warns against traveling to Turkey
The KCDK-E health committee called on Kurds to avoid traveling to Turkey.
The KCDK-E health committee called on Kurds to avoid traveling to Turkey.
In a written statement, the Health Committee of the Kurdish umbrella organisation in Europe, KCDK-E noted that the summer season has begun with the schools closing in many countries of Europe, especially Germany, and said: “With the longing of families living there, many of our people have been preparing to go to Kurdistan. However, 2020 summer season is different from other years due to the Covid-19 pandemic."
The statement pointed out that: "The war carried out in the four parts of Kurdistan by the Turkish state is the main reason why many people won’t be able to travel home this year.”
The KCDK-E health committee called on Kurds to avoid traveling to Turkey.
“Many European countries, especially Germany have issued travel warning to Turkey. There will be a 14-day quarantine for those returning from Turkey. Restrictions and even entry into Europe from certain countries may be prohibited due to the expected new wave of coronavirus. Thus, there is a risk of not returning to work / school on time.”