KCK:Murder of civilians has been normalised in the AKP period
KCK:Murder of civilians has been normalised in the AKP period
KCK:Murder of civilians has been normalised in the AKP period
The KCK (Kurdistan Communities Union) Executive Council Presidency has issued a written statement, offering condolences to the families of Mehmet Reşit İşbilir and Veysel İşbilir, who were killed by the police during a demonstration in Hakkari's Yüksekova district on 6 December. KCK condemned the slaughter by police of two people in Yüksekova saying: “Since the AKP came to power hundreds of civilians have been murdered and no action has been taken against the perpetrators The murder of civilians has become normal."
The KCK statement stressed that "The AKP has murdered two Kurds, who were protesting at the destruction of gravestones. December is the month when the Roboski massacre took place. Deaths are covered up by pretexts such as "anti-terror casualties" because in Turkey it would be considered a weakness to investigate such things. The mentality of the 1990s is being continued in a different way. According to the AKP 'unresolved murders do not take place during our rule', but no one has been prosecuted for the hundreds of killings that have taken place. The perpetrators of the Roboski massacre are clear, but the fact that no one has been prosecuted demonstrates that the government has no regard for the constitution or the rule of law. The worst thing is that such a mentality has led to massacres such as Roboski being considered normal."
Remarking that the Kurdish people's leader has provided an environment of non-conflict for a year, presenting an opportunity for democratisation and a resolution of the Kurdish question, KCK underlined that but instead of grasping this opportunity the AKP government has followed a policy of maintaining tension, and embarked on the construction of new military bases, and roads and dams for military purposes. Also, rather than releasing Kurdish prisoners it has arrested thousands of Kurds, keeping many of them in custody. "The AKP government is continuing its attacks on people protesting at its anti-democratic measures. The Kurdish people in Gever (Yüksekova) protested at the destruction of graves. If the state destroys gravestones and then opens fire on protesters, there is no crime it will not commit", the statement said.
KCK called on Kurdish people and democratic forces to protest against these attacks and to intensify the struggle to create a political environment where the state cannot commit such crimes and attack peaceful demonstrators.
Democracy will not be achieved by silence, but only through struggle, KCK added.