KCK on local elections

KCK on local elections

Kurdistan Communities Union (KCK) Political Committee has released a statement about the local elections to take place in Turkey in March 2014.

KCK Political Committee put emphasis on the importance of elections for the resolution of the Kurdish question and Turkey's democratisation and commented the elections as an important test for all democratic, left-wing and socialist circles and everyone who sides with democracy, peace and freedom. KCK underlined that “It is a must for all those who stand against the mindset of denial, assimilation and fascism to support each other and to reveal the democratic will of the people”.

Also calling attention to the importance of 2014's local elections for the Kurdistan territory, KCK said the Kurdish people should focus on achieving a great success in the elections.

Stressing that the realization of the democracy, freedom and democratic autonomy purposes depended on the results of these elections, KCK said all Kurdish people, as well as all ethnic and religious groups, intellectuals, workers, women and youth, should therefore work on elections with determination and from the perspective of Free Kurdistan.

KCK wished success to all candidates for nomination in Kurdistan, adding that; “We have no doubt that the DTK (Democratic Society Congress), BDP (Peace and Democracy Party), components of the North Kurdistan Conference and all other institutions and organizations will perform their historic responsibilities”.

KCK called on all candidates to run in the elections to unite around democracy and freedom and to strengthen the spirit of unity and togetherness.