Releasing a statement to mark the third year anniversary of Rojava Revolution, KCK (Kurdistan Communities Union) Executive Council Co-Presidency commemorated revolutionary martyrs and described Rojava Revolution as the first major revolution of the 21st century.
In its statement, KCK Executive Council Co-Presidency stated that Rojava was not only a Kurdistan revolution but also a revolution of the Middle East. KCK pointed out that the revolution of democratic society, democratic confederalism, democratic socialism and democratic autonomy, described by Leader Apo (Abdullah Öcalan) as Democratic Modernity, would take its place in history and trigger more revolutions by impacting the rest of the Middle East. KCK commemorated the martyrs who fell during the making of Rojava revolution, and promised to honor their memories by achieving victory.
KCK emphasized the 20 years-long work of Leader Apo in Rojava, Syria, and the Middle East as the foundation of Rojava Revolution, and said that the 40 years-old Kurdish Freedom Movement led by Leader Apo realized the Revolution in Rojava. The statement by KCK also underlined that Rojava Revolution survived against all sorts of attacks because of the content Leader Apo gave to Rojava as well as the spirit of July 14 resistance in Amed, noting that such a revolution characterized by determination could not be defeated.
In its statement, KCK remarked that a revolution that is based on a democratic society and the system of democratic confederalism was bound to stand tall in the face of attacks because of the power democratic society gave to the revolution. KCK emphasized that the women’s liberation perspective systematized in the democratic revolution empowered the entire society and made the revolution invincible.
Pointing out that Rojava Revolution also revealed peoples’ resistance through its heroic martyrs who fell in the defense of their peoples’ freedom, KCK said that peoples’ resistance was the only security of Rojava Revolution, and this resistance was made possible with the women’s revolution inside Rojava.
KCK said; “Despite being the smallest part of Kurdistan, Rojava has produced a revolution that is recognized and supported by the entire world”, and noted that Rojava Revolution enabled the worldwide recognition of Kurdish identity, and the day of Kobanê on November 1 contributed to the invincibility of the revolution by bringing international support to Rojava.
“Receiving the support of peoples and democracy forces in the world is more invaluable than anything, morally and materially, and this support has contributed to the legitimacy of Rojava Revolution”, KCK said, emphasizing that Rojava Revolution would resist all attacks and repel brutal ISIS gangs with its heroic resistance.
Recalling that ISIS was a fascist group of gangs that was threatening not only the Kurds but also all peoples of the world, KCK noted that resisting these fascist gangs meant resisting reactionary forces in the Middle East, and Rojava Revolution would unlock the door of a revolution in the Middle East by defeating ISIS.
Describing ISIS as counter-revolutionary, KCK said that the defeat of ISIS and its allies such as Turkey would initiate a revolution across the Middle East and end the decades-long chaos of the region. KCK said that a Middle Eastern Revolution would not only end reactionary politics that have emerged as a product of the 5 thousand years-old statist system, but also establish a free and democratic life by taking the region’s moral civilization as opposed to the West’s material civilization as its basis. KCK reassured that Rojava Revolution, led by Leader Apo’s principle of democratic revolution, would soon succeed and enlighten the entire globe.
KCK ended its statement by saluting all martyrs that fell in the heroic defense of Rojava Revolution, and said that the resistance of these martyrs would soon liberate all peoples and establish a democratic and communal life in the region.