KOMAW in Dortmund protest Turkish attacks on funerals and graves

KOMAW called on the European states to not be part of Turkish attacks on martyrs and invasion attacks.

The European Organisation of Martyrs and Disappeared people's Families (KOMAW) protested against the attack carried out by Turkey against graves of the martyrs. 

The protest was held in front of the Dortmund train station.

Activists from KOMAW read a statement saying that "the fascist Turkish state has no mercy even for the graves of the dead."

The statement pointed out that the Turkish state has a massacre and torture tradition since the Ottoman Empire, and added that this tradition continues with the AKP-MHP government today.

Referring to the attacks on martyrs and funerals, the statement also underlined that the invasion policies of the Turkish state continue to be implemented in Rojava, South Kurdistan, as well as in Libya and North Kurdistan.

Addressing the European states, KOMAW said: "Review your military and commercial relations with the Turkish state. Say 'stop' to this barbarism; do not be a partner to this barbarism."