KON-MED wishes that 2022 will be a year without war and violence

The Kurdish umbrella organization KON-MED wished the world a 2022 without war and violence.

The Kurdish umbrella organization KON-MED issued a message to wish Happy New Year to "Rêber Apo [Abdullah Öcalan], the peoples of Kurdistan and the world".

In its message, the association refers to the intense struggle for freedom witnessed in 2021 and expresses the hope that 2022 will be the year "in which Abdullah Öcalan gains his freedom, the Kurdish people widen their self-organization and crown the year with liberation."

The message from KON-MED reads: "2021 was a year in which the war against the Kurdish people continued. The Kurdish people, together with their friends in Kurdistan, Europe and many other parts of the world, achieved great success by fighting together against the misanthropic and anti-Kurdish Turkish state and its dictator, Erdoğan."

The message adds: "While 2021 is coming to an end with a great struggle, it also became a year in which the struggle for freedom of Rêber Apo was taken to a new level worldwide with the 'Defend Kurdistan, freedom now' campaign.

In view of the successful struggle for freedom of our people and the losses that the Turkish state has suffered in every area, the fascist Turkish regime has entered the stage of collapse. To hide this collapse, the Turkish regime took the KDP by its side and jointly attacked the Medya Defense Areas. All possible means of war, including forbidden chemical weapons, were used against the Kurdish people. Civilians were murdered in attacks on Rojava, Shengal and Mexmûr. The murderous invasion attacks on Kurdistan continue."

The message adds: "The Kurdish freedom guerrillas fought against these attacks. The Kurdish people resisted in all four parts of Kurdistan and in Europe together with their friends. Resistance in the mountains and on the streets became the hope of freedom for all the peoples of the Middle East.

As the Confederation of Societies of Kurdistan (KON-MED) in Germany, we hope that, in 2022, the peoples of the world will create a world worth living in for everyone - regardless of their identity - without violence and wars. Believing that the physical liberation of Rêber Apo will be achieved in 2022, and in the hope that this new year will bring democracy, peace and freedom to mankind, we wish everyone Happy New Year. We hope that the Kurdish people expand their organization and continue to protect their rights with an even greater fighting spirit and crown the year with freedom."