The Confederation of the Kurdish Communities in Germany (KON-MED) issued a statement about this year’s May Day.
KON-MED said: “May 1st is traditionally the day on which workers take to the streets against their exploitation by the capitalist system. At the same time, this day represents for us a demand for women's liberation, peace and justice as the basis of a free society.
The coronavirus pandemic posed enormous problems and challenges for many governments and societies. On the one hand, measures had to be taken so as not to overload the health systems, and on the other, to ensure that the capitalist economic system continued to function. While the European Union and the German federal government poured billions in pandemic funds into financially strong global corporations, aid funds were paid out only hesitantly to self-employed people and retailers, and the government still refuses to provide even medical masks to people in precarious circumstances.”
The statement added: “Society here in Germany, but also all over the world, has recognized that it has to help and organize itself. Neighbourhood help was organized out of nowhere to take those “left behind” with them. Campaigns promoting affordable housing have continued their work undeterred. Feminist structures have reorganized themselves and created their own support and care offers for women. Ecological movements were not deterred and continued their fight against the exploitation of humans, animals and nature more resolutely than ever. Because it has become clear to the people, whether in Brazil, France, India or Germany, that democracy, freedom, justice, peace and equality are not values that mean anything to capitalist modernity.
The autonomously administered region in Northeast Syria / Rojava shows us what an alternative system could look like that upholds and protects these values. Democratic socialism in Rojava is building a free, anti-capitalist and feminist society. It was the organized will for a democratic future that is being built in the here and now through grassroots democratic structures that enabled the local population to defeat the territorial rule of the Islamic State.”
KON-MED said that “May Day programs are planned throughout Germany and Workers’ Day will be celebrated in almost all states. This year Workers' Day will be about solidarity among peoples.”