KONGRA-GEL calls on everyone to go to the polls on 24 June
This election is a great opportunity to get rid of AKP-MHP fascism, said KONGRA-GEL.
This election is a great opportunity to get rid of AKP-MHP fascism, said KONGRA-GEL.
KONGRA-GEL Co-Presidency Council has released a written statement on Monday on the 24 June parliamentary and presidential elections in Turkey.
The statement pointed out that these elections are of great strategic importance for the peoples of Kurdistan and Turkey.
"This election is a great opportunity for our people to get rid of the fascist AKP-MHP government. It’s an opportunity to hold Tayyip Erdogan accountable for the crimes and blood he is responsible of. Every human being, and especially Kurds, have to duty to overthrow this thief, cruel and enemy of humanity from power”.
Threshold is important
The statement continued, underlining the importance for the HDP to overcome the threshold. “If we want to stop the AKP-MHP fascism, if we want the peoples of Turkey and Kurdistan breath, if we want to start talking and solving the problems of the country, from the Kurdish question to the economic crisis, then it is of crucial importance for the HDP to overcome the threshold.”
The statement also pointed out that the AKP is using every possible means to secure the HDP will not overcome the threshold or will send a low number of deputies to Parliament. “It is very important and meaningful to make sure that the AKP gets no single deputy in the Kurdish provinces in these elections”.
This election, said the statement, represents an important opportunity for Kurds to get Erdogan accountable.
Reminding that Hakkari, Iğdır, Ağrı, Şırnak and Dersim had crushed the AKP in the election on 7 June, the statement added: “The AKP must be crushed in these elections also in other cities, like Van, Amed, Bitlis, Mus, Siirt”.
Such a result, said the KONGRA-GEL statement, will “not only bring down the AKP-MHP government, but will also destroy their policies which have damaged this country. Such a result will create the opportunity for everyone in Turkey to start a new discourse”.
Working for the HDP
The statement remarked that it is important to ensure as many votes as possible in order to make sure the HDP will overcome the threshold.
“To this ebd, everyone must mobilize. Everyone should reach out to the people they can. Not just HDP voters, we have to reach everybody. If the HDP doesn’t overcome the threshold, it is democracy which will stay under the threshold.”
The statement pointed out that despite all difficulties, the HDP is getting bigger every day. “The HDP is not just a party for the Kurdish question but also for Turkey and democracy. There is a new situation in Turkey. Peoples, beliefs, women, youth, oppressed people, workers and all the circles and forces in favor of labor have been united around the HDP in this election process. This is a very valuable union in terms of the free democratic future of our people. With the elections this power will be even stronger and will play an effective role in the free future of our peoples and the oppressed”.
Polls safety
KONGRA-GEL also reminded of the importance to secure safety at the polling stations. “It is important to secure as many votes as possible and also the safety of the polls”, said the statement, adding: “A huge work and effort is being put into securing that the votes and polls are safe”.
Reminding that voting abroad is already underway, KONGRA-GEL reiterated its appeal to voters outside Turkey. “Due to the historical importance of these elections, the mission and responsibilities of our people living abroad have been increasing more and more, and the votes given abroad will have a great impact on the final result.
We are calling people living in European countries, Australia, Canada, America, Russian Federation, Japan and other countries to go to the polling stations. It is time to get rid of the AKP-MHP fascism”.