Kurdish parties condemned repression against HDP
Kurdish parties condemned the police raid at HDP Amed Provincial office and arrest of HDP activists.
Kurdish parties condemned the police raid at HDP Amed Provincial office and arrest of HDP activists.
Representatives of Azadi Movement, the Kurdistan Democratic Platform (PDK-Bakur), Kurdistan Democratic Party in Turkey (KDP-T), the Communist Party of Kurdistan (KKK), Human and Freedom Party (PIA) held a press conference to reject the attacks against the HDP.
Turkish police raided the HDP Amed Provincial branch office on 8 March, detained 7 activists on hunger strike and battered HDP MPs Tayip Temel and Murat Sarısaç.
A joint press release was read at the press conference held by the five Kurdish parties at the premises of the Azadi Movement.
PDK-Bakur chair Sertac Bucak said: "Kurdish politics and Kurdish political parties are under heavy pressure. We condemn the attack against the HDP provincial building in Amed and we are demanding the release of the detained activists immediately.”
War declared against Kurdish politics
Bucak added that the attacks against Kurdish political parties have recently turned into a planned intimidation operation.
"For months, - he said - leaders of the government have been targeting Kurds and their political parties. The Minister of Interior, who is primarily responsible for ensuring the security of the country especially during election time, has actually declared war on Kurdish politics with his statements.”
The Supreme Court of Appeals, said Bucak, has applied to the Constitutional Court demanding the closure of the parties bearing the name Kurdistan, and then without waiting for the Court ruling has unlawfully taken off the list the political parties which contain Kurdistan in their name.
"Kurdistan and Kurdistan political parties - said Bucak - are a reality in Turkey, yet the government tries to marginalize, intimidate this reality.”
Bucak called on the government to end this policy of terror, adding that the Kurdish people would respond to racism and harassment. He added; “The Kurdish people have never accepted racism, chauvinist nationalism, and arrogant political attitudes.”