Man 'spying' on FARC leader Timochenko detained
The man 'spying on FARC leader Timochenko for an attack on his life has been captured.
The man 'spying on FARC leader Timochenko for an attack on his life has been captured.
In a joint operation between the National Police and the Prosecutor's Office, Víctor Hugo Rojas Silva, alias 'Chavo', a former member of the FARC-EP and now with the splinter group led by alias 'el Paisa', known as 'Segunda Marquetalia', was captured.
According to El Tiempo investigators allegedly said that the captured man worked for the security system of 'el Paisa' and, when he left the FARC, Silva integrated the security scheme of Rodrigo Londoño, 'Timochenko', president of the FARC party.
In fact, he began to be investigated because he was leaking information about 'Timochenko' movements and routines, to facilitate an attack on his life.
The capture of alias 'Chavo', happened at 4 am on Monday in Neiva. With him five other people were arrested. They were members of a cell that operated in Caquetá, Huila, Risaralda and Cundinamarca.
The operation was called 'San Pio III' and allowed establishing that this group, at the service of 'el Paisa', was in charge of executing criminal actions against political leaders and members of the FARC party.