Memorial for PKK Central Committee Member Engin in Darmstadt

PKK Central Committee Member Kasım Engin, who fell martyr following the Turkish warplanes air strike on Medya Defense Areas on 27 May, will be commemorated with a memorial in Darmstadt on Thursday, 11 June.

A memorial service will be held in Darmstadt tomorrow, Thursday, for PKK Central Committee Member Kasım Engin (İsmail Nazlıkul).

The memorial is organized by KCDK-E and FCDK-KAWA.

"Kasım Engin joined the Kurdish Freedom Struggle from Germany where he used to live. He carried out public works all over Europe,” said a statement to call people to join the memorial.

The statement added: “We will hold a memorial to remember and celebrate Kasım Engin and to express our condolences to his family.”

The memorial will be held at Darmstadt Democratic Kurdish Community Center on Thursday at 1 pm.

In addition, on Saturday, a commemoration will be held in Frankfurt for the guerrillas fallen martyrs as a result of Turkish air strike. The statement added that “the action in Frankfurt will also protest the KDP betrayal.”