A memorial service will be held in Darmstadt tomorrow, Thursday, for PKK Central Committee Member Kasım Engin (İsmail Nazlıkul).
The memorial is organized by KCDK-E and FCDK-KAWA.
"Kasım Engin joined the Kurdish Freedom Struggle from Germany where he used to live. He carried out public works all over Europe,” said a statement to call people to join the memorial.
The statement added: “We will hold a memorial to remember and celebrate Kasım Engin and to express our condolences to his family.”
The memorial will be held at Darmstadt Democratic Kurdish Community Center on Thursday at 1 pm.
In addition, on Saturday, a commemoration will be held in Frankfurt for the guerrillas fallen martyrs as a result of Turkish air strike. The statement added that “the action in Frankfurt will also protest the KDP betrayal.”