Military activity in Şemdinli

Military activity in Şemdinli

Military activity is continuing in Hakkari's Şemdinli district as more and more soldiers and military vehicles are being deployed around the district by the Turkish army.

Two cobra type helicopters taking off from Yüksekova have reportedly carried out an aerial reconnaissance in the areas of Silo (Xepîştê), Koçyiğit (Qelit) and Samanlı (Mavan) on Federal Kurdistan border line.

Following the reconnaissance flight, Skorsky type helicopters landed in the 34th Border Brigade Command and 3rd Commando Battalion in Şemdinli. The helicopters reportedly carried a number of soldier units to the military bases in the areas of Gevriyazîne and Xarane.

On the other hand, a convoy of 20 military vehicles have also arrived in Şemdinli on Thursday.