Miners in Zonguldak on strike against working conditions

Miners in Zonguldak on strike against working conditions

Hundreds of miners working for the Üzülmez Company affiliated to the Turkish Hardcoal Authority (TTK) have gone on strike in the Zonguldak province in Black Sea region on Friday morning.

The protest began after the miners on the night shift refused to leave the mine in the morning to protest against severe working conditions and the security system, including cage and wire fence, that has recently been placed in the entrance of their working area, denying them permission to enter or leave the mine before and after the beginning and ending of working hours, even if they arrive one minute late. Workers were later joined by the miners on the morning shift who have not entered the mine today to support the workers' demand for the improvement of severe working conditions.

Genel Union of Miners (GMİS) Secretary Osman Tutkun who spoke to reporters said that the protest has started as a consequence of the inhuman working conditions, repression and psychological pressure miners have faced for a long while.

Miner Raif Açıkgöz said all workers on both morning and night shift, some two thousand miners, are joining the strike to ensure their security of life.

Açıkgöz pointed out that company officials should provide miners with work safety instead of subjecting them to security measures.