MLKP vows resistance in 2022

The Marxist Leninist Communist Party (MLKP) released a New Year message, saying, "We welcome the year of 2022 with a commitment to enhance our national struggle for freedom with class anger.”

The Marxist Leninist Communist Party (MLKP) Kurdistan Organisation, in a written message marking the New Year, said, “All the colonialist-fascist attacks, which aimed at eliminating Kurdish people’s national consciousness, were frustrated by the resistance of our people. The greatest resistance has been waged in Medya Defense Zones. The invasion attack launched with chemical weapons, SIHAs [armed unmanned aerial vehicles], fighter jets and advanced technological equipment was stopped by the great resistance of the guerrillas who made a new history against the second largest army of NATO.”

Recalling “despicable attacks” on Shengal and Maxmur and all the massacres seeking to break the willpower of the Kurdish people and eliminate the right to self-governance, the message stressed that, “No matter what the price, Kurdish people have never surrendered to these attacks.”

It is a shame that the KDP, a Kurdish political party, has become a partner in the agreement that aimed to collapse the self-government of the Yazidi community in Shengal and leave the Yazidis defenceless against a new firman [decree of genocide], said the MLKP, adding:

“Like the Turkish state, Iran, too, carries out colonialist fascist attacks against the demands for national democratic rights and liberties, and has turned prisons into cemeteries. We welcome the year of 2022 with the strength of resistance increasing in guerrilla zones, dungeons, streets, neighbourhoods of labourers, lands of revolution and the Shengal mountains, with unbroken will and organised power of our people, and the spirit of the Rojava revolution. We welcome the year of 2022 with commitment to enhance our national struggle for freedom with class anger.”