More than 50,000 Armenians living in Nagorno-Karabakh forcibly displaced by Azerbaijani operation

According to the Armenian government, tens of thousands of forcibly displaced people have moved from the Nagorno-Karabakh region to Armenia.

On 20 September, Azerbaijan launched a lightning military operation against Armenia's Nagorno-Karabakh (Republic of Artsakh) and captured the region, the defeated leadership of which agreed to lay down arms only one day later. While more than 200 people died during the attacks and more than 400 others were injured, Azerbaijani officials promised "re-integration" of ethnic Armenians into Azerbaijani society.

Amid an ethnic-Armenian exodus prompted by an Azerbaijani offensive, the Armenian government announced on Wednesday that more than 50,000 people have arrived in Armenia from Nagorno-Karabakh, more than a third of the ethnic population living in the disputed region.

In a statement on Wednesday, the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Azerbaijan announced that 192 soldiers and a civilian lost their lives during the aggression on Nagorno-Karabakh. Another 500 soldiers were injured during the offensive, according to the ministry.