Afrin Solidarity Platform released a statement calling for strong participation in the mass demonstration to be held in Brussels on the 27th of March to cry out against NATO to stop the genocide and the slaughter in Afrin.
The statement by Afrin Solidarity Platform said the following;
“The fascist Turkish state wages an all-out attack on Afrin to occupy the enclave. The occupation of the city will certainly bring large-scale slaughter. Turkey carries out this dirty attack with all the means and weapons NATO supplies and with the knowledge and complicity of the international powers and organisations.
The Turkish army, which is the second biggest army of the NATO, commits a genocide in Afrin with the explicit approval of Russia. NATO is directly complicit in this attack as Turkey uses all the means and weapons provided by the NATO. The dirty war on Kurdish people and occupation of Afrin carries the stamp of NATO.
The heroic resistance of the population of Afrin has surprised and paralyzed the imperialist forces and their local watchdog, the Turkish state. Since the 20th of January, the peoples of the world have been witnesses to a superhuman and honourable resistance that will take its place in the history. It is now our responsibility to strengthen and extend the resistance against the imperialist powers and the international organisations, which remain silent in the face of a genocide against the Kurdish people. The silence of the international powers encourages murderer Erdogan. We have to resist this everywhere.
The responsibility of the imperialist forces for the barbaric and genocidal attack of Turkey on the Kurdish population cannot be denied. Hundreds of civilians, women and children, lost their lives these attacks carried out by a NATO army and bloodthirsty groups of the Al-Nusra Front, Daesh and the Free Syrian Army. We, European democratic mass organisations, women’s and youth organisations, Kurdish organisations from all parts of Kurdistan, socialists and revolutionaries from Turkey, Belgian anti-fascist and peace organisations, Assyrians, Armenians, Alevis, Ezidis, Islamic and Christian organisations, all those 94 organisations that came under the umbrella of the European Solidarity Platform for Afrin, want to strengthen the solidarity movement with Afrin and reinforce the protests.
We call on all the Belgian anti-war activists and supporters of peace, the trade-unions, the NGO's, the antifascists, politicians, the women’s movement and the friends of the Kurdish people to be in solidarity with the peoples of Afrin and to join the protest of Tuesday, the 27th of March in Brussels:
We call on the people to join the protest against the NATO.
Today is the day to show our solidarity with the peoples of Afrin.
Today is the day to shout out against the war organisation NATO.
Today is the day to show our sympathy with the civilian casualties of Afrin.
Tuesday, the 27th of March
Boudewijnlaan 30 (metrostop Ijzer), 1000 Brussels
Assembly: 12h, start of the march: 13h30.
Endpoint with a meeting and speeches: Schuman.”