NAV-YEK calls for action against Turkish attacks on Yazidis
The Yazidi umbrella organisation NAV-YEK demands immediate measures for the protection of the Yazidi population after a renewed aerial attack of Turkey on Shengal.
The Yazidi umbrella organisation NAV-YEK demands immediate measures for the protection of the Yazidi population after a renewed aerial attack of Turkey on Shengal.
The Union of Yazidi Associations NAV-YEK has issued a statement on Tuesday’s drone attack on the Shengal region in south Kurdistan, northern Iraq.
The statement reads as follows:
“Two weeks ago, on 4 November 2019, Turkish fighter jets bombed the town of Xanesor (Khanasor), inhabited by Yazidis, and the surrounding area of the village of Barê in the Shengal region. The international community again remained silent and thus encouraged the despot to continue his war of aggression, which is contrary to international law.
In the morning of 19 November 2019, Turkish unmanned armed drones bombed the city of Xanesor in the Shengal region again. The detailed consequences of this news of terror are yet not known. It is known that houses of the civilian population have been bombed and destroyed. Several people have been injured.
Since the war of aggression in Northern Syria (Afrin and Rojava), which violated international law, and the alleged ceasefire, the Erdogan-AKP government has violated every conceivable agreement. There is no question of a ceasefire. On the contrary, he is mercilessly continuing his war of aggression against the people of Rojava. He fills the alleged security zone he wants to establish with the blood of innocent people.
How can he create security and peace by waging wars of aggression contrary to international law, systematically executing people, bombing the civilian population and allying himself with terrorist jihadists? The only security that must be created here is that of Erdogan and his jihadists.
With the ethnic cleansing, Erdogan and his jihadist allies want to bring the Islamist struggle for an Islamist state to the final point. Any means and any terrorist gang are fine for the caliph candidate to this end. Because only with the extermination and expulsion of the Yazidis and all those who believe and think differently does he come closer to his inhuman goal.
The fact that such a dictator can still be a NATO partner is no longer comprehensible from a human point of view and no longer justifiable from a legal point of view. Contrary to the NATO agreement, he buys war weapons from his brother in spirit, the despot Putin. It then becomes almost ironic that the third brother in spirit, Trump, with his invitation to the US has rewarded Erdogan for his wars of aggression contrary to international law and for his threats to Europe. On the contrary, Trump turned out to be a big fan of Erdogan. The fact that the German Government is still an ally and economic partner of Turkey, still silent and does not impose sanctions on Turkey, violates every human right and every democratic agreement. Such behaviour on the part of Erdogan cannot and must not be tolerated anymore!
The international community of states EU, NATO etc. must not watch any more inactively how Erdogan continues his bloody campaign against minorities like Yazidis, Christians and others. Those states and countries, which support Erdogan, do not fulfill their duty and shine by silence, making themselves complicit and become accomplices.
We will not tolerate this any longer and will not allow another genocide to be carried out in Shengal! Therefore, we call upon the democratic public and all relevant international organizations and institutions to:
- stop the aggression, invasion and any attacks of Turkey immediately,
- immediately close the airspace over Northern Syria and Northern Iraq – Shengal region- to prevent the planned ethnic cleansing / genocide of the population,
- bring those responsible for the genocide of 3 August 2014 to justice,
- put Erdogan on trial before an international tribunal for his wars of aggression contrary to international law.