Newroz celebration in Argentina
A Newroz celebration took place in the Argentinian capital Buenos Aires yesterday.
A Newroz celebration took place in the Argentinian capital Buenos Aires yesterday.
A Newroz celebration took place in the Argentinian capital Buenos Aires yesterday. The Rojava Revolution was saluted, the frreedom of Abdullah Öcalan and other political prisoners was demanded and a call for support for the HDP at the forthcoming elections was made.
The Newroz celebration was called by the Kurdistan-Latin America Solidarity Committee, over 20 political parties, human rights organisations, trade unions and the May Mothers.
Vote for the HDP
At the celebration in the Centenario Park photographs of Kurdish People’s Leader Abdullah Öcalan and YPG, KCK and PKK flags were hung up.
The event began with the reading of articles written about the history of Newroz by Argentinian writer Alejandro Haddad, who died last year. Spokespersons of the Kurdistan - Latin America Solidarity Committee saluted the message of Abdullah Öcalan which was read out in Amed, and the Revolution in Rojava. The importance of the elections on 7 June was emphasised and a call was made to vote for the HDP.
Rights violations of the Colombian and Turkish states discussed
The Argentinian representative of the Colombian Patriotic March spoke about the peace process in Colombia and rights violations perpetrated by the state and talked about the campaign for the release of political prisoners. Speeches were made comparing the anti-democratic practices of the Turkish and Colombian states.
Rojava saluted, Öcalan’s freedom demanded
Representatives of the Patriotic March, the Polisario guerrilla movement in the Western Sahara, indigenous movements in Latin America, the women’s movement, the Basques, the Mapuche people in Chile and the Armenian Cultural Union made speeches in which they expressed solidarity with the Rojava revolution and demanded the release of all political prisoners, including Abdullah Öcalan.
After the speeches at the event, which was attended by over 200 people, people performed the halay dance to Kurdish music and watched the Armenian Cultural Union’s halay performane. There was then music and theatre performed by the Indigenous Peoples women’s initiative.