Öcalan: Rojava issue can be resolved through dialogue

Öcalan: Rojava issue can be resolved through dialogue

BDP (Peace and Democracy Party) co-chair Selahattin Demirtaş spoke to DİHA (Dicle News Agency) about the BDP delegation's most recent meeting with Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan in İmralı prison on 17 July.

Detailing the meeting which lasted four hours, Demirtaş said that Öcalan was in a good state of health, despite suffering from upper respiratory infections and lacrimation.

BDP co-chair criticized the irregularity of the meetings with the Kurdish leader, which take place once in 15 days, remarking that the party delegation should pay visits to İmralı more often, and that these visits should also be followed by others from NGOs, journalists, intellectuals, authors and wise people. Demirtaş pointed out that the government should pave the way for these meetings and provide the Kurdish leader with more proper conditions so that he can improve his contact and relations with the outside world and provide more contributions to the ongoing process.

Demirtaş noted that Öcalan has recently left the small and narrow cell he has been held in since 2009 and moved to another cell some bigger than the former one. However, he is still being subject to isolation, Demirtaş said and remarked that the Kurdish leader's state of health was also of great importance for the healthy advancement of the resolution process.

According to Demirtaş, the Kurdish leader himself has also demanded the improvement of his conditions so that he could play his part in the ongoing resolution process as the leader of the Kurdish people. BDP co-chair quoted Öcalan as saying that; "I cannot provide any contribution as long as you treat me like an instrument. My conditions should be improved up to an extend enabling me to play a positive part in the ongoing caotic state of affairs in the Middle East and the resolution process going on in Turkey". Demirtaş commented Öcalan's words as a demand for the change of his instrumental position  to a strategic one.

BDP co-chair pointed out that the deadlines Öcalan has put forward -1 September and 15 October- were no threat but a consequence of the government's failure to approach the issue strategically. Demirtaş said Öcalan warned of probable problems for regional and internal balances unless the ongoing process witnesses a remarkable improvement during those dates.

Demirtaş also underlined that the Turkish government and media should also bring an end to the popular approach towards the Kurdish leader, such as the 'terrorist' and 'separatist leader' discourses.

According to Demirtaş, Öcalan remarked that there was no deadlock in the ongoing talks he was holding with the delegation of the Turkish state in İmralı prison. However- Demirtaş said- what matters most is to what extend this dialogue will be applied in practice in politics. "Öcalan and the state's delegation are making an endeavour to create a common mind and perspective and they are considerably succeeding in this process which is does not base on repression and enforcements. However, the government fails to display the same attitude and to develop the same relation with the BDP and its interlocutors. This is the real problem and deadlock, the government's failure to act in conformity with the spirit of the İmralı Initiative. Mr. Öcalan refers to some problems which he however doesn't see as the ending of the process”.

Remarking that Öcalan demanded the release of his lawyers and definitively meeting them, Demirtaş quoted the Kurdish leader as saying that; “The regular visits by my lawyers, and by media members, shouldn't be a matter of debate in the next phase”. Demirtaş pointed out that Öcalan didn't voice this demand as an imposition, saying that it was a usual part of the negotiation process. The nonfulfilment of these steps will mean that government has no intention for negotiations, he added.

According to Demirtaş, Öcalan said that he has done his part in the process, having successfully practiced what was asked from him – to stop clashes and deaths and to start the withdrawal. BDP co-chair remarked that the government's statements, those on figures of the guerrillas having withdrawn from Turkish borders until today, were an excuse to its failure to take the required steps.

Demirtaş said the Kurdish leader appreciated the preparations underway for the Kurdish National Congress, adding that Öcalan also had a message to the attendees, which will be read on the day of the congress. “He believes the congress should finally take place without being delayed any more. He says the attendees must take part in the congress on the basis of the interests of the people, leaving  aside the interests of their parties”., he said.

According to Demirtaş, Öcalan supported the talks between the Turkish government and PYD (Democratic Union Party) leader Saleh Muslim. “He believes the problems in Syiran Kurdish territory could be resolved through dialogue with the Kurdish and other constituents there. He says it is a natural right and a historic responsibility for everyone in Rojava to make necessary defence in the event that attacks and massacres continue”, Demirtaş said and added that Öcalan also said the Turkish border gates and the Semalka border crossing must be opened as soon as possible. According to Demirtaş, the Kurdish leader remarked that everyone should establish true relations with the newly emerging formation in Rojava, and that Turkey should also take notice of the issue.

The Kurdish leader -Demirtaş said- believes the Syrian state can no more continue with a monopolized and homogeneous structure, and that the emergence of different forms, such as autonomous and cantonal structures, should be considered   natural and could be achieved through negotiations. Demirtaş said Öcalan believed Turkey should in advance develop true economic, social and political direct relations with the structure here rather than regarding it as a threat.

BDP co-chair criticized the government for not answering Öcalan's demand for the establishment of eight commissions to serve for the legal reform process, saying that their party would still support the government's judicial reforms if they are really meant to make a headway in the resolution process. He warned that the government should also avoid impositions and approach the demands of the Kurdish people directly.

Demirtaş underlined that the ongoing isolation of Öcalan hurt the conscience of the Kurdish people, adding that Kurds should make efforts in all areas to ensure the liberation of their leader.