Önder invites PM to visit the operation area in Ağrı together

The successive statements of the TSK, increasing operations and the operation in Diyadin has raised further concerns over the ongoing resolution process between Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan and the Turkish state.

The successive statements released by the TSK (Turkish Armed Forces) in recent days, increasing operations and most recently the operation in Diyadin has raised further concerns over the ongoing process between Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan and the Turkish state in search of a democratic and peaceful resolution to the Kurdish question.

İmralı Delegation Spokesman Sırrı Süreyya Önder who spoke to DIHA on the subject pointed out that the AKP government would resort to many ways to hinder a loss of votes, including cancelling the elections. Referring to Prime Minister Davutoğlu's statements,Önder underlined that; “It is a lie itself to say that Demirtaş is telling a lie. The reason why the President doesn't want a Monitoring Committee, and why the government reverses the present agreement has been revealed with the most recent Diyadin provocation. The government also knows that it will not be able to recover its decreasing votes by causing a tension. The only thing they want is to postpone and cancel the elections.”

'Trust in democracy and peace is the only solution to save everyone'

Regarding the comments that the government wants to leave HDP under the election threshold through such attempts, Önder said; "By creating a two-months tension, they can neither save their eroded votes nor prevent the HDP from passing the threshold. Nor will they save themselves by crowning the nationalism which they have trempled on until yesterday. Trust in democracy and peace is the only solution to save everyone."

'Öcalan warned us against provocations previously'

Önder stated that both Kurdish people's leader Abdullah Öcalan and the KCK executives they met had warned them against provocations before, while various circles also voiced warning that the government would practice such tendencies. "Mr. Öcalan warned that even assassination attempts could take place against politicians and members of the delegation", Önder said, adding that their delegation would prepared a report and share it with the public opinion after listening to the incident from all sides involved in Diyadin provocation.

'We know of objections within the army against working for AKP'

Önder also commented on the statements of the Chief of Staff which firstly accused civilians of "propaganda" and later praised them for manifesting a "praiseworthy stance and devotedness to the army" for the help they offered to wounded soldiers at the scene. "The most recent statement of the Chief of Staff contradicts the former ones. We know that there are significant objections within the army against being used as an instrument serving a party."

Referring to the Minister of National Defence's remarks that "these provocations will continue", Önder urged the Minister to rectify his statement immediately.

Önder called on all members of the Resolution Board, Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu and Deputy Prime Minister Yalçın Akdoğan being in the first place, to “perform the work and duty of a Monitoring Committee; to visit the operation area together and listen to all sides at first hand in company with national and international press”.

"Avoding this means avoiding the truth, the greatest price for which will be paid by themselves with a further loss of votes. I am especially calling on Mr. Davutoğlu, as the person bearing political responsibility, to take heed of the people, peace and truths", Önder said, underlining that the Prime Minister would otherwise be responsible for the probable developments to take place in the region.