Peace in Kurdistan Campaign: We demand justice for Sakine, Fidan and Leyla

Peace in Kurdistan Campaign: We demand justice for Sakine, Fidan and Leyla.

Peace in Kurdistan Campaign issued a statement of solidarity with the Kurdish movement as it remembers the martyred sisters Sakine, Fidan and Leyla.

The statement reads as follows:
“Peace in Kurdistan stands in solidarity with the Kurdish people as we mark the anniversary of the murders of PKK co-founder Sakine Cansız (Sara), KNK Paris Representative, Fidan Doğan (Rojbin) and youth activist Leyla Şaylemez (Ronahi) exactly nine years ago on 9 January 2013.

Make no mistake, their coldblooded murders were a targeted assassination that was calculated to destabilise the Kurdish resistance to Turkish state oppression and undermine the morale of the people.

The murders of these defenceless women were a political attack on the Kurdish movement led by Abdullah Ocalan and can never be separated from the Turkish state’s brutal treatment of the Kurdish leader and its broader war against the Kurds which it wages domestically and internationally.

This modern-day-massacre in Paris is a crime against the entire Kurdish people and will remain a living issue until the victims receive justice.

Peace in Kurdistan stands in solidarity with Kurdish women and the Kurdish movement who are marking this dreadful anniversary and demanding justice is done.

We add our voice to these demands that the perpetrators of these murders be brought to justice.

The inaction of the French justice system in response to the clear Turkish orchestration of such horrendous murders exposes the collaboration between states in the war against the Kurds.

The wall of silence and indifference from the authorities about these three brutal killings in the very heart of the French capital, a professed citadel of culture and civilisation, represents a clear betrayal of the cherished human values of justice and freedom that they purport to uphold.

These three outstanding women will forever live on in the memories of their sisters and comrades who draw inspiration from their example in their common struggle for justice that will achieve completion in victory.

We demand justice for Sakine, Fidan and Leyla, who fell as martyrs to the great cause of Kurdish people’s liberation.

We share in the anger and pain felt by their Kurdish compatriots at this continued injustice that shames Europe and tarnishes its justice system.”