Peace in Kurdistan stands in solidarity with human rights activists in Nairobi

Human rights activists in Nairobi denounce attacks by police.

Peace in Kurdistan issued a statement in solidarity with the Social Justice Centres and the grassroots communities they have come to represent. The human rights activists in Nairobi have been attacked by police.

The statement reads as follows: "We at Peace in Kurdistan stand in solidarity with our comrades from the Social Justice Centres and the grassroots communities they have come to represent. 

The police habitually terrorize the communities of the informal settlements. We condemn the targeting of our comrades in the strongest of fashions. 

We demand that our comrades, who have been wrongly detained under the false trope of resisting arrest, be released immediately.  We also insist upon their right to be visited by their lawyers.  The war on the Social Justice Centres’ mobilization of the popular masses must come to an end now!"