Petition in Strasbourg calls for urgent action from CPT and AI

Scores of Kurds in Strasbourg, France have sent a petition that included a demand to urgently meet with Öcalan to European Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CPT) and Amnesty International (AI).

Scores of Kurds coming together in the Democratic Kurdish Society Center in Strasbourg, France have sent a petition that included a demand to urgently meet with Öcalan to European Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CPT) and Amnesty International (AI).

The appeal pointed out that meetings with Kurdish People’s Leader Abdullah Öcalan haven’t been held in over 15 months, and stated that Tayyip Erdoğan and AKP have launched operations to end civilian life in Kurdistan since their decision to end the solution process. It also mentioned that many co-mayors and city council members have been removed from office in local administrations and the immunities of MPs have been lifted.

The petitions emphasized that the incidents in Kurdistan have paved the way for the July 15 coup, and it especially points out that the June 7 elections not being recognized has had an important role.

The petitions indicated that Öcalan had analyzed the coup mechanism a long time ago, and mentions that his family and lawyers and millions of Kurdistanis are concerned for Öcalan’s health.

The petitions called upon the CPT to “urgently fulfill their duties” and visit İmralı Island, and the AI to take action to reduce these concerns.

According to information from the post office, the number of petitions sent in today is 96.
