Petition to turn Diyarbakır prison into a museum of human rights

Petition to turn Diyarbakır prison into a museum of human rights

The ‘78liler Foundation has finalli delivered its 100,000-signature petition to Parliament’s Petition Commission asking for Diyarbakır prison to be turned into a museum of human rights.
Celalettin Can, the president of the foundation, said that “Like every society, our society and nation also has eras that should be faced”.
Receiving the petition, Mehmet Daniş, the head of the Petition Commission, remarked the events at Diyarbakır Prison in the 1980s had put a strain on the conscience of society.
Sakine Arat, whose son Cemal Arat died in a hunger strike in 1984 at Diyarbakır Prison, said mothers who lost their children there want it to be transformed into a museum.
Diyarbakır prison was notorious, lile many other political prisons (for example Long Kesh in the outskirts of Belfast), for tortures and abuses, particularly in the aftermath of the Sept. 12, 1980 military coup.