HDP Deputy Musa Piroğlu attended the justice vigil promoted by the Freedom of Defense Coordination in front of Bakırköy Sadi Konuk Hospital for lawyers Ebru Timtik ve Aytaç Ünsal who are on death fast demanding a fair trial.
‘We are counting hours!’
Piroğlu said: “We are at a stage where we count hours, not days. Unfortunately, the government turned the justice mechanism into a stick on the people, and use the injustice they create as a weapon against the human body."
Emphasizing that time is running out, Piroğlu added that “the responsibility for the lives of two lawyers and two political prisoners in prison on death fast belong to those who use time as a weapon against them.”
Underlining that the lawyers' demand for justice is the demand of everyone in this country, Piroğlu said: "Justice is the demand of the young woman in Batman, whose rapist was released. She took her life. The demand for justice is the demand of the mine workers in Soma, the workers of Dardanel, who were employed under conditions resembling the concentration camps under the threat of corona, the workers who were fired from his job. It is the demand of the poor. The demand for justice is the demand of the Alevi. The demand for justice is the demand of the Kurds, whose graves have been looted and whose villages burned. The demand for justice is the demand of this country. And we won’t stop in hour demand for justice. We are trying to create a just society with this struggle."