PKK paid tribute to the 14 July 1982 martyrs
The Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) Executive Committee issued a written message to commemorate the resistance in Amed prison on 14 July 1982.
The Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) Executive Committee issued a written message to commemorate the resistance in Amed prison on 14 July 1982.
It was an action, said the PKK, that illuminated the darkness of 12 September 1980 military coup and opened the way to a new process in Kurdistan and Turkey.
The statement reminded the action carried out by the young people in Amed prison. “This 14 July marks the 37th anniversary of the Great Death Fast Resistance" said the PKK.
Martyrs Mehmet Hayri Durmuş, Kemal Pir, Akif Yılmaz, Ali Çiçek, were commemorated by the PKK that pledged to continue "on the road they have opened."
The statement stressed that "the struggle for freedom for Kurdistan would not be defeated."
The statement added: "As everyone knows, all the gains made over 37 years in Kurdistan were achieved thanks to the great resistance of 14 July, which later turned into the choice of 15 August and thus turned into a revolution of national revival.
It was a revolution for women's freedom and therefore it is this struggle that has achieved these gains in all parts of Kurdistan and in the diaspora. Gains achieved with the revolution of freedom in northern Kurdistan, or the democratic national revolution in southern Kurdistan or of the revolution of freedom in Rojava "
The PKK also said in its statement that the year 38 since the resistance of 14 July will be the year of resistance led by our "great martyr Helmet", referring to KCK Presidential Council member Diyar Xerib (Helmet) who lost his life, together with two other guerrillas, as a result of an air strike carried out by Turkish warplanes on 5 July.
At the end of the statement, the Executive Committee of the PKK appealed to all the people of Kurdistan, in particular youth, women and all democratic forces, to take the streets and squares in creative ways to make the 38th year of resistance a year for the victory.