Plaza de Mayo Mothers condemn Turkish attacks against Kurdistan

Plaza de Mayo Mothers Norita Cortiñas and Mirta Baravalle condemned the attacks carried out by the Turkish state and said that they will make efforts to increase the voices and actions condemning the genocide.

Norita Cortiñas and Mirta Baravalle, founding members of the Plazo de Mayo Mothers, who resisted fascism during the dictatorship period in Argentina, condemned the attacks carried out by the Turkish state in Kurdistan.

The attacks on Rojava, Shengal and Maxmur are unacceptable, said the mothers, adding that the attacks show the fascist face of the Turkish state.

The Mothers of Plaza de Mayo reiterated that they find the simultaneous bombing of dozens of civilian settlements unacceptable, and added that they stand by the legitimate struggle of the Kurdish people for their freedom.

The Mothers also said that they will make an effort to increase the voices and actions condemning the genocide carried out by the Turkish state systematically in Kurdistan and added: “We embrace the brave women of Kurdistan. End fascism!”