Police attack tent of condolence in Beytüşşebap

The tent set up for offering condolences to the fallen YPG fighter İsmail Ataman and HPG fighter Sadi Özek was attacked by police forces with armoured vehicles, damaging the tent and the materials inside beyond repair.

A tent for offering condolences was set up in People’s Square in the Beytüşşebap district of Şırnak after the funerals of YPG fighter İsmail Ataman (Dilşêr Botan), who was martyred in clash with the ISIS gangs in a village of Siluk district in Girê Sipî on 6 July, and of HPG fighter Sadi Özek (Agir Kato), who fell a martyr in Shengal.

Police forces accompanied by armoured vehicles attacked the tent and damaged it and the materials inside beyond repair.

Youths in Beyyütşebap have strongly reacted to the attack of police forces by setting up barricades at many different points of the town. While the youths responded to the police attack by throwing stones, fireworks and molotovs, police forces fired gas bombs randomly, some of which hit houses in different neighbourhoods. As clashes between police and youths lasted for many hours, a 6 months old infant was taken to Beytüşşebap Public Hospital after being seriously affected by the tear gas bombs fired by police.