Political parties and civil society organizations issue joint declaration for Newroz in Istanbul

Political parties and civil society organizations issued a joint declaration for the Newroz celebrations that will take place in Istanbul on 23 March.

Representatives from various political parties and civil society organizations issued a joint declaration ahead of the Newroz celebrations to be held in Istanbul on 23 March. 

Participants included representatives from the Peoples’ Democratic Congress (HDK), the Free Women’s Movement (TJA), the Peoples' Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party), the Socialist Solidarity Platform (SODAP), Partizan, the Socialist Re-Establishment Party (SYKP), the Democratic Alevi Association (DAD), the Labor Movement Party (EHP), the Social Freedom Party (TÖP), the Socialist Party of the Oppressed (ESP), KOMÜN, the 78’ers Initiative, İşçi Sözü, Kaldıraç, the Association of Lawyers for Freedom (ÖHD), the Federation of Eastern and Southeastern Associations (DGDF), and the Revolutionary Construction and Road Workers’ Union (DEV YAPI İŞ). 

This year’s Istanbul Newroz will be celebrated under the slogan “Newroz for a Democratic Society and Freedom” on 23 March at Yenikapı Square. At a press conference ahead of the event, the representatives of the different organizations shared the following statements: 

TJA: "Let’s build a broad women’s alliance

TJA activist Aygül Sincar said: "Inspired by Abdullah Öcalan’s letter to women and the strength of our organized women’s struggle, we will take to the streets on Newroz. Newroz represents resistance, rebirth, and the hope for peace. We call on all women to join us in forming a broad women’s alliance on Newroz. With Newroz, we want to pave the way for freedom, equality, and democratic politics. Defending peace against war in the spirit of Newroz is a duty for all of us."

EMEP: Let this be the Newroz of coexistence

Seyit Aslan, chair of the Labor Party (EMEP), said: "If we can talk about peace today, it is thanks to the struggle waged by the Kurdish people and socialists in Turkey. We need a country where people are not imprisoned by the tens of thousands and where tears are no longer shed. I hope the 2025 Newroz will be one where Kurdish and Turkish peoples can continue living together in peace."

DEM Party: Let’s unite around the Newroz fire

Arife Çınar, Istanbul co-chair of the DEM Party, called on all segments of society to "unite around the Newroz fire."

TÖP: "The Kurdish struggle is shaking the status quo"

Juliana Gözen from TÖP stated: "A massacre against Alevis is taking place. However, this period also presents opportunities. The Kurdish struggle is challenging the ruling powers. The 2025 Newroz marks a phase where we embrace new responsibilities. Happy Newroz to all."

SYKP: "Let’s carry our enthusiasm to Newroz" 

Feray Mertoğlu, co-chair of the SYKP, said: "It is our duty to bring our enthusiasm for struggle, resistance, and peace to Newroz. Newroz symbolizes resistance and peace. With Abdullah Öcalan’s call, let Newroz serve as a step toward peace. Women and socialists must fight to make peace a social reality."

DAD: "Let’s fulfill our responsibility in building peace" 

DAD co-chair Kadriye Doğan stated: "A new agreement has been signed in Damascus, which is significant for Alevis. The return of living spaces to their rightful owners is something we will monitor closely along with the peace process. Let’s put in the effort together and fulfill our responsibility in building peace."

ESP: "We all have a responsibility"

Sezin Uçar, deputy co-chair of ESP, remarked: "The 2025 Newroz is significant for the Kurdish people’s painstaking struggle for freedom, but also for all the peoples of Turkey. We are at a turning point where we must strengthen the struggle for an honorable peace. Those who stand for peace and freedom cannot remain indifferent. This call places a responsibility on all of us. I invite everyone to the Newroz celebrations."

PARTIZAN: "Legal steps must be taken"

Toğay Okay from Partizan stated: "Newroz is precisely the day to stand against tyrants like Dehak. If the government truly seeks a solution, it must take democratic legal steps. If the government intends to make democratic moves, it should do so now. We invite everyone to Newroz."

KOMÜN: "The working class and the Kurdish struggle must unite"

Selahattin Set from KOMÜN commented: "As we approach the 2025 Newroz, Abdullah Öcalan’s declaration has been released. This process is unfolding thanks to the Kurdish people’s struggle. Meanwhile, worker strikes are being banned, and mass arrests are taking place. On the one hand, the government claims to seek a solution; on the other, fascism is being institutionalized. To put an end to this fascism, we must unite the struggles of the working class and the Kurdish people. Without this unity, we cannot achieve peace, freedom, or justice. We invite all peoples, the poor, workers, and both Kurdish and Turkish communities to the 2025 Newroz."

SODAP: "Everyone must support the process" 

Orhan Kok from SODAP said: "Peace means ensuring the rights of workers and laborers. The establishment of an honorable peace cannot be left solely on the shoulders of the Kurdish people. This is a responsibility of all socialist movements. Everyone must support this process."

DEV YAPI İŞ: "Workers must take action" 

Nihat Demir, General Secretary of DEV YAPI İŞ, emphasized that peace is vital for all societies and called on all workers and laborers to take action in support of the process. 

EHP: "We must fan the flames of struggle"

Hakan Öztürk, chair of EHP, stated: "Turkey faces many issues, but the most critical one is the Kurdish issue. Abdullah Öcalan has made a very important call regarding this. If we follow this call, we can move towards peace, democracy, and freedom. Just as the blacksmith Kawa stoked the fire to forge iron, we must fan the flames of the struggle to bring peace and democracy."