Protests in Europe against Turkish attacks
The Turkish state's invasion of Southern Kurdistan and the air raid on Maxmur Refugee Camp were protested in many European cities.
The Turkish state's invasion of Southern Kurdistan and the air raid on Maxmur Refugee Camp were protested in many European cities.
The Turkish state's invasion of Southern Kurdistan and the air raid on Maxmur Refugee Camp were protested in many European cities.
In Bremen the German Confederation of Communities of Kurdistan (KON-MED) organised a protest attended by Kurds and their friends from Bremen and Oldenburg.
Activists carried photographs showing the massacres of the Turkish state against civilians and posters of Diyar Xerib, a member of the KCK General Council, who lost his life following a Turkish air strike on 5 July.
SPeakers called on Germany and other EU countries to put pressure on the Turkish state and to condemn the invasion of Afrin and the attacks on Kandil and Maxmur.
Kurdish people gathered in Frankfurt to protest the attacks of the Turkish state against Southern Kurdistan. Activists held a rally in front of the central train station. Many civilians lost their lives as a result of the attacks of the Turkish state, speakers at the rally reminded condemning the South Kurdistan and Iraqi government for their silence. The rally called for the international institutions to take action to stop the Turkish state's attacks.
A march from Lautenschlagerstrasse to Kronprintz-plaz was organized under the leadership of Stuttgart DKTM against the Turkish state invasion attacks against Southern Kurdistan.
The Turkish state's bombing of the Maxmur and Medya Defense Areas was protested in an action in Stockholm.
Upon the call of the Stockholm Democratic Kurdish Community Center and the Amara Women's Assembly, the Kurds gathered in Sergelstorg Square in the city center of Stockholm, protesting the Turkish state's invasion attacks against South Kurdistan and the bombing of Maxmur and Medya Defense Areas.
Ayse Göktepe addressed the crowd and condemned Turkey saying that the AKP-MHP suffered a heavy defeat in local elections in Kurdistan, which is why they increased their attacks against Kurdistan.
Göktepe pointed out that the Turkish state attacked Maxmur Camp, which is under the protection of the United Nations, and deliberately targeted civilians. She criticised the silence of both the United Nations and the European Union.
Göktepe condemned the KDP administration, which "cooperates with the Turkish state in its attempt to eliminate the gains of the Kurdish people. The Iraqi state and Western countries remain silent and are therefore partners in the massacres of civilians in Southern Kurdistan. We want the international community to raise its voice against the invasion of Southern Kurdistan."
The Turkish state's attempt to invade Southern Kurdistan was protested in the Hague, the Netherlands.
Kurdish people gathered in front of the parliament building and protested the Turkish state's invasion of Southern Kurdistan and Rojava.
Leaflets and a statement were read and in Dutch and English.