PYD General Assembly member Menice Haco Heyder falls a martyr in Tishrin

The PYD General Assembly announced that the party’s general assembly member and Qamishlo office co-chair Menice Haco Heyder was killed in the attack carried out by the Turkish state on the Tishrin Dam.

The Democratic Union Party (PYD) General Assembly issued a written statement confirming that 4 civilians were killed in the attack carried out by the Turkish state on Saturday, 18 January, against Tishrin Dam, and added that PYD General Assembly member and Qamishlo office co-chair Menice Haco Heyder was among them.

The statement said: “A systematic attack has been carried out on the regions of Northern and Eastern Syria for 38 days. These attacks target the infrastructure of the region, especially the Tishrin Dam, which is the lifeblood of millions of people in this region. This attack is not only a threat to stability and peace, but also aims to carry out the exploitation plans of the New Ottoman Empire and destroy the elements of life of the people of Northern and Eastern Syria.”

The statement continued: "Despite these brutal and continuous attacks, the SDF and YPJ continue to write heroic pages of resistance every day. The SDF and YPJ derive this resistance from the will of the people who do not accept surrender and support their forces. The resistance carried out so far in the Tishrin Dam is not only a war to protect the region, but also a war of existence and history for freedom and honor.

The Turkish government is attacking civilians who are holding a vigil in the Tishrin Dam. On Saturday, the Turkish state attacked once again and carried out a brutal massacre. As a result, 4 civilians fell as martyrs and many others were injured. All of this is also happening because of international silence. These ongoing crimes are a clear violation of human values ​​and international law, and are new to the genocidal crimes of the Turkish regime."

The statement confirmed that "in addition to the party’s general assembly member and PYD Qamishlo co-chair Menice Haco Heyder, 3 of our comrades were killed.

Comrade Menice was a symbol of struggle and sacrifice. She acted responsibly towards the cause of women and her people in her life. She did not hesitate to serve her people and her cause until the last minute of her life."

The PYD General Assembly "strongly condemn these brutal massacres carried out by the Turkish state against the people of Northern and Eastern Syria, and call on the international community, legal and humanitarian organizations to assume their responsibilities and put an end to these brutal attacks against our people.

We offer our condolences to the martyr's family and all the families of the martyrs of the Tishrin Dam resistance, and wish a speedy recovery to the wounded. We emphasize that the blood of the martyrs will be a light for us on the path to freedom. We reiterate our promise to our people and martyrs that we will continue the struggle and resistance until the goals of freedom, justice and peace are achieved."