Remzi Kartal: Kobanê marks a new start

Remzi Kartal: Kobanê marks a new start

As ISIS attacks on Kobanê and the resistance of YPG/YPJ fighters continues for a 42nd day, Kobanê and the Kurds continue to be on the global agenda. We asked Kongra-Gel Co-President Remzi Kartal about the changes created in the international arena by the Kobanê resistance and the stance the West should adopt regarding the Kurdish freedom struggle.

Kongra Gel President Remzi Kartal says the resistance in Kobanê has had a massive effect on international relations, adding: “Kobanê is a global phenomenon. The attitudes of Europe to the PKK of the last 30 years cannot meet the needs of the current situation.” Kartal called on Germany in particular to “display a new post-Kobanê policy".

Kartal said that Kobanê was a significant event for the whole world, not just for the Middle East, and had shaken the foundations of international relations. Kartal added: "With ISIS threats against Western countries, the West is reappraising its relations. On account of the Kurdish question Turkey is now confronting the international coalition set up to combat ISIS. The support the international forces have given to Kobanê despite Turkey’s opposition indicates the beginning of a new period.”

'Support should also be given to the other cantons’

Kartal said that after Kobanê the Kurdish question would be different and would concern the entire region, adding that political and military support should also be given to the other cantons of Rojava as part of the struggle against ISIS. Remzi Kartal said that Afrin canton should be given aerial support if Turkey did not open a corridor.

'There should be a new policy post-Kobanê’

Kartal emphasised that the traditional European policies were no longer valid, saying: "European countries’ policies regarding the Kurdish question for the last century, and in particular concerning the PKK during the last 30 years cannot respond to the current situation. There is strong criticism of Turkey for its support of ISIS and its lack of sensitivity over the massacre in Kobanê and the resistance against it.”

Kartal mentioned German silence over Kobanê, calling on the Berlin government to raise its voice and display a new post-Kobanê policy, and change its position on the PKK and the Kurdish question.

"PKK’s strength in the region should be seen’

Kartal responded to German Foreign Minister Steinmeir's comment last week to the effect that: "as long as the PKK threatens Turkey with violence, there is no question of their being given weapons”, saying: "The PKK had to take up arms against the violent repression of the Turkish state. For around 2 years now there is an ongoing process of resolution thanks to the efforts of President Apo. As long as Turkey desists from repression the Kurdish side will not favour conflict. The PKK is a force playing an influential role for the freedom and democratic life of all peoples in the region.”

Kartal added that while negotiations were going on with Turkey and while a struggle is being waged against ISIS there was no question of weapons given to the PKK being used against Turkey. He said that European countries, first and foremost Germany, should change their policies towards the PKK. “The PKK should be removed from the list of terrorist organisations. The PKK should be viewed as an influential actor not just in Turkey, but also in Syria, Iraq and the whole region as regards ensuring peace democracy and stability.”

‘Germany should abandon its classic approach’

Kartal emphasised that Europe should abandon its traditional approach to the PKK, and that Germany, which has a large population of both Kurds and Turks, should take the first step in this process. Kartal made the following appeal to the Berlin government: "Germany must abandon its classic, pro-Turkish, policy. Germany should take a stance that assists dialogue, supports the process of resolution and in particular strengthens the struggle against ISIS in the region.”