Rojava flag waves on Rome Municipality
The municipality of Italian capital Rome hung a banner of Rojava on its building after accepting to become the sister municipality of Kobanê Municipality.
The municipality of Italian capital Rome hung a banner of Rojava on its building after accepting to become the sister municipality of Kobanê Municipality.
The municipality of Italian capital Rome hung a banner of Rojava on its building after accepting to become the sister municipality of Kobanê Municipality.
Following a call by (Left, Ecology and Freedom (SEL) Party, the “sister municipality” protocol between the municipalities of Rome and Kobanê was brought to the agenda with the signatures of PD (Democratic Party), M5S (Five Star Movement), Lista Marchini and Alleanza Popolare Nazionale.
With 26 votes in favor and one abstention, the Municipal Council accepted the decision which stands as the first joint one made by Italian political parties with different political views.
Speaking after the hanging of the Rojava flag on the municipality building, Municipal Council's SEL Group President Gianluca Peciola recalled that the Kobanê town of Rojava bordering Turkey was cleansed of ISIS gangs and liberated thanks to the resistance of Kurdish fighters.
Noting that some two thousand people have lost their life during the four months of fighting, Gianluca Peciola said that; "Owing to the resistance of the Kurds, the international coalition recognized Kobanê as a regained city. Women in the guerrilla fight played a major role in the fight against ISIS. With the resistance they mounted in Kobanê, the Kurdish people have deserved a historical and political recognition. This must also be joined by public enterprises in the West."