Rojhilat workshop in Stockholm
The first workshop for the KNK-organized series of Kurdish National Unity Conference, the Rojhilat (Eastern Kurdistan) Workshop will be held in Stockholm on September 16-17.
The first workshop for the KNK-organized series of Kurdish National Unity Conference, the Rojhilat (Eastern Kurdistan) Workshop will be held in Stockholm on September 16-17.
In the workshop held in Suleymaniye, Kurdistan National Congress (KNK) had decided to hold workshops in 4 parts of Kurdistan and in Europe, efforts for which have kicked off.
The workshop series will be held within the framework of the 21-point “National Unity Efforts Principles Document Draft”, and the first workshop will take place in Swedish capital Stockholm on September 16-17 with participation from institutions and individuals from Kurdistan’s Rojhilat part. A total of 25 political parties, institutions and organizations and some 200 individuals were invited to the workshop which will discuss the topics of national unity, issues among Eastern Kurdistani parties and proposals for solutions.
After Rojhilat, workshops will be held for other parts and Europe, and in the light of these workshops, the National Congress is expected to be held by the end of the year in Southern Kurdistan with participation from Kurdish parties and institutions in all parts.
KNK Executive Council sent invitations to political parties, institutions and individuals for the Rojhilat Workshop. The invitation signed by the KNK said the following: “It had been decided in the workshop held in Suleymaniye on July 15-16 that important steps need to be taken for national unity. According to this decision, as preparation for the National Congress to be held by the end of the year, workshops need to be held in 4 parts of Kurdistan and in Europe. One of these would be the Eastern Kurdistan workshop. To this end, we invite Rojhilati political parties, institutions, individuals, and intellectuals to come together to discuss the issues in this part.”
The invitation stated that Kurds and other peoples living in Kurdistan are drawing closer and closer to freedom despite all obstacles and hardships, that the Kurds’ hope for freedom has approached actualization in the 21st century and stressed that the responsibility that falls on everyone’s shoulders has increased.
The invitation pointed out that there is a crisis and chaos in the world centered in the Middle East and Kurdistan, and stressed that under such circumstances, the Kurdish national struggle has grown and achieved more gains on one hand but on the other hand, attacks by the colonialist powers have intensified.
The invitation stated that one of these powers is the Iranian regime and continued: “Although the Iranian regime has shown that they change their policies at times, their strategic policies against our people have only gotten harsher. Iran is waging a large scale war in the Middle East lead by the Shia, they want to have a say and create a hegemony. But on the other hand, the economic crisis and domestic problems in Iran continue to grow, their foreign policy is at a standstill, they lose allies every day, they are isolated more and more. This is a great opportunity for Kurds. So, Kurds must increase their fight against the Iranian regime and achieve results.
But in the face of the position the Iranian regime is in, the Kurdish front is also fragmented. All national dynamics are separate and far removed from each other. Instead of this fragmentation, the Kurds should unite, all dynamics should come together and create a joint strategy for the struggle.
To end these crises and this fragmentation, we need the unity workshop. KNK is undertaking the lead for such a workshop for national unity with this responsibility. All Rojhilati political parties, organizations, institutions, individuals, intellectuals, and politicians should be present in the workshop on the given date, and we should create our unity with our problems, solutions and views. We are hoping that this platform will be a big step for the East and all of Kurdistan.”
The workshops will discuss the 21 point “National Unity Efforts Principles Document Draft”, which includes articles like “Democratic national interests should be held above all”, “Kurds and Kurdistanis have the right to determine their fate and decide on their status in all parts on the basis of national and natural rights”, “In the struggle against invading colonialist powers, plans over the plans of other national forces and narrow interest attempts should be abandoned” and “All values, symbols, religions, dialects, languages, cultures and historic fabric should be respected and all obstacles they face should be removed”.