Rûken: Isolation is part of the special war
KJK Coordination Member Zêrîn Rûken said the isolation imposed upon Kurdish People’s Leader Abdullah Öcalan is part of the special war.
KJK Coordination Member Zêrîn Rûken said the isolation imposed upon Kurdish People’s Leader Abdullah Öcalan is part of the special war.
KJK Coordination Member Zêrîn Rûken spoke in the Rojeva Jin programme and said the Kurdish people and Öcalan are at the epicenter of the World War III.
KJK Coordination Member Zêrîn Rûken was on the Rojeva Jin programme broadcast on Stêrk TV yesterday.
Rûken spoke about current affairs and said the Kurdish people and Kurdish People’s Leader Abdullah Öcalan is at the epicenter of the World War III, and as such, the isolation imposed upon Kurdish People’s Leader Abdullah Öcalan should be understood as an absolute and part of the special war.
Rûken said: “Rêber Apo’s thoughs are spreading throughout the Middle East and the world, and are becoming vital. The fear the capitalist and invasion forces have is against this alterneative new life.”
Rûken said fascism has went on a total attack due to their fear and stressed that women in particular need to resist the attacks everywhere. Zêrîn Rûken said, “There is an attemt to institutionalize fascism, led by the AKP-MHP. Because fascism doesn’t want multiple colors, voices or diversity.”
Rûken argued that the path to free Kurdish People’s Leader Abdullah Öcalan is to vitalize his thoughts everywhere: “In Rêber Apo’s perspective, there is the solution to the women’s, Middle Eastern and Kurdish issues. We will be freeing Rêber Apo as much as we vitalize his ideas.”
Rûken pointed out the attack against Saturday Mothers and said the special war has victimized the Saturday Mothers the most. Rûken said no fascist force can stand against peoples, and that the AKP fascism can never stop the Saturday Mothers.
Rûken continued: “Suleyman Soylu is a gang leader and a thief specifically chosen to implement AKP fascism’s special war. He is the hitman for dirty governments that attack women, peoples, ecologists, mothers and democrats.”
Rûken said the Turkish state is attacking faiths, history and nature as they burn sacred sites and forests in Dersim and added: “Fascism is the same everywhere.
The regime’s mindset that killed four defenders of life in Iran is the same as that which intervened with people going to put out the fires deliberately started in Kurdistan. Fascism is an enemy to nature, women and society. It is an enemy to all that is good.”