The UN Security Council met today following an urgent request to convey the body by Russia.
The UN General Secretary Antonio Guterres asked everybody to "avoid actions that could escalate the conflict" and reminded the UN members that the body's chart forbid any unilateral action by any member state.
"Syria - said Guterres - is today the main threat to peace and stability in the world" and therefore the UN General Secretary asked "not to do anything that could actually worsened the situation".
It was the Moscow's representative who expressed the firmest condemnation of the US-UK-France air raids against Syria.
Russia reiterated that the attack was "an aggression" and was "unjustified" as "the accusation against the Syrian government have not been proved".
France said it would present a draft resolution to the UN Security Council asking Syrian president Bashar al-Assad to end the attacks on his own population and to sit at the negotiations table.
The UK representative said the raids were not an act of revenge against Syria.
This was the fourth time the UN Security Council met this week, precisely to discuss the war in Syria.
The draft resolution presented by Russia asking the Council to condemn the “aggression” against Syria from military strikes carried out by the United States, Britain, and France, has been rejected.
Apart from Russia, only China and Bolivia supported the draft resolution. While 8 states voted against the resolution, 4 abstained from voting.
In order for a draft resolution to be passed by the UNSC, 9 out of 15 members must vote “yes”, and none of the permanent members (US, England, France, Russia and China) must use the right to veto.