Sinn Féin MP: Öcalan should be released

Mazlum Dinç, one of the lawyers of Asrın Law Office, met with Sinn Féin MP Francie Molloy, who said that his party's attitude towards Öcalan is clear. "Öcalan should be released."

Mazlum Dinç, one of the lawyers of the Asrın Law Office, went to London to attend a series of diplomatic meetings and a symposium on political prisoners. He also met with Sinn Féin MP Francie Molloy at the British Parliament.

Lawyer Mazlum Dinç explained the legal situation of Kurdish People's Leader Abdullah Öcalan to Molloy and pointed out that there had been no communication for 38 months. Stating that the absolute isolation imposed on Abdullah Öcalan has caused serious concerns among the Kurdish people, Dinç said: "The absolute unlawful isolation must end. All democratic forces must be sensitive in order to create  international democratic pressure and put an end to this illegal situation. Taking an effective initiative on this issue will pave the way for the development of social peace and democracy."

Molloy expressed his satisfaction with the meeting and wrote in a post on his X account: "Honoured to meet Abdullah Öcalan’s lawyer Mazlum Dinç. Öcalan has been imprisoned for 25 years. His legal team has been denied routine access for 13 years. There has been no communication at all for 38 months. This is intolerable. Sinn Féin is clear, Mr Öcalan must be released."