Sinn Féin raises concern over coronavirus figures
Problems with figures of the coronavirus pandemic are common all over the world.
Problems with figures of the coronavirus pandemic are common all over the world.
Sinn Féin MLA and Assembly health spokesperson Colm Gildernew has raised concerns over potential gaps in official figures around infection rate and the numbers who have died from COVID-19.
Colm Gildernew said: "The extent of the impact of COVID-19 needs to be fully recorded to be understood and responded to now and in the future. The current published data has serious limitations in that it only records those cases and deaths that occur within a hospital setting and where a positive test has been completed."
Gildernew added: "Just this week it was confirmed that 20 clusters have been identified in care homes. There may be many more cases and clusters in the community that we are unaware of. A lack of testing means the possibility that the true scale of the crisis here is unknown, is a real concern."
Gildernew continued: "It is important that decision makers have the best evidence to inform their actions. Gaps in data between recorded cases and the true number of cases could be detrimental now and in the future with regards to understanding the impact of COVID-19. It is important testing in the community is up scaled significantly to get as clear a picture as possible as to the extent of the impact of COVId-19 as possible."