Sinn Féin urges Unionists to respect Stormont House Agreement

Sinn Féin Leas Uachtarán Michelle O’Neill has said the Stormont House Agreement must be implemented in full. 

Michelle O’Neill was speaking after DUP leader Arlene Foster suggested in an interview on Sunday revisiting the agreement her party signed up to. 

Michelle O’Neill said: "The British and Irish governments and the political parties, including the DUP, signed up to the Stormont House Agreement to ensure that victims of the conflict could get full disclosure about the killings of their loved ones." 

O'Neill added: "That agreement must be implemented in full, including the mechanisms for dealing with the legacy of the conflict, and cannot be cherry picked by the British government or the DUP. The British government has been resiling from the commitments it made at Stormont House and has delayed implementing the agreement for more than five years, further delaying truth and justice to the victims and their families."

O'Neill continued: "The British government needs to implement its commitments in full in a human rights compliant manner."