Six people imprisoned in Şırnak and Osmaniye

The Turkish regime’s political extermination campaign continues unabated.

3 of 10 people who were detained in house raids in Şırnak and its districts 3 days ago were arrested.

Those detained in house raids conducted within the scope of the investigation by Şirnak Chief Public Prosecutor's Office were kept in Şırnak Provincial Security Directorate. After the procedures here, the detainees were referred to Şırnak Courthouse on the charge of "making propaganda of an illegal organisation".

While 3 people were imprisoned on the grounds of social media posts, 7 people were released on judicial control conditions.

On the other hand, house raids were conducted in 28 cities, including Istanbul, Amed, Adana and Antep on 16 January.

15 people who were detained in Osmaniye, Adana, Hatay, Mersin and Antalya on the allegation of "making propaganda for an illegal organisation" were brought before a judge in their cities on Friday.

In Osmaniye, where 6 people had been detained, the Criminal Magistracy of Peace ruled for the imprisonment of 3 people and the release of 3 others under judicial control.

In the meantime, Berivan Akalın who was detained in Adana, DEM Party Provincial Organisation executive Şevket Temel and Berivan Iğın who were detained in Antalya, Newroz Baran, Gamze Baran, Hüseyin Sapa, Ramazan Sapa and Rojat Töre who were detained in Erzin district of Hatay, Abdulhalim Sungur who was detained in Toroslar district of Mersin, have been released.