Six released in Mersin KCK case

Six released in Mersin KCK case

Six people were released late Wednesday following the first trial of the KCK (Kurdish Communities Union) Mersin case at Adana 10th High Criminal Court.

Twenty four people who have been tried in the so-called KCK case were arrested on 3 November 2011 as a result of an expansive operation police carried out in Mersin, Erzurum, Bingöl, Diyarbakır and Antalya. Six among them were under arrest since the operation which came as a follow-up of another KCK operation on 25 October that ended up with the detention of 42 people. Thirty among them, remanded in custody after the operation, were released on 15 April after six months in prison.

Those released on Wednesday are BDP (Peace and Democracy Party) executives Abdullah Okur and İhsan Zengin, DIHA (Dicle News Agency) reporter Zeynep Kuriş, MKM (Mesopotamia Cultutal Center) artist Abdulkadir Çat, Göç-Der and Ishtar Counseling Center for Women’s Solidarity executive Menice Ürün and BDP's Akdeniz Municipality worker Nazan Dündar.

The trial will be resumed on 3 July.