Six years prison for joning demo

Six years prison for joning demo

Fifty eight year old Salih Şimşek was sentenced to six years and three months in prison without trial.

Şimşek had been taken into custody for joining a sit-in BDP (Peace and Democracy Party) held in June 2011 in Diyarbakır. He was released after bearing testimony to the public prosecutor.

Nine months ago, Şimşek was sentenced in absentia to six years and three months in prison, and put in Batman jail after being taken away from his house by police officers.

Şimşek's son Rezan told that his father was not only physically handicapped but also a patient with diabetes, tension and heart disease, and couldn't meet any of his needs in the jail. Rezan told the followings as to the sentence of his father without trial; “The prosecutor in Diyarbakır told my father after taking his testimony that he could go home, also in consideration of his being handicapped. Months later, police officers came home and took him to the police directorate, saying that he would quickly turn back after giving a short statement to the police. After that, my father was sent directly to the prison without being taken to court. We later learned that the court had approved the prison sentence asked for him.”

Şimşek's wife Kamile called on human rights defenders and competent authorities to ensure the immediate release of her husband facing a life-threatening situation in jail.