Solidarity campaign for Afrin in Deir ez-Zor
Deir ez-Zor Civilian Assembly has launched solidarity campaign for the people of Afrin who were displaced due to the invasion attacks of the Turkish state.
Deir ez-Zor Civilian Assembly has launched solidarity campaign for the people of Afrin who were displaced due to the invasion attacks of the Turkish state.
Deir ez-Zor Civilian Assembly has launched solidarity campaign for the people of Afrin who were displaced due to the invasion attacks of the Turkish state.
Speaking about the campaign, Assembly representative Ibrahim Cuma started by offering condolences to the families of all the fighters who fell as martyrs in the Resistance of the Age.
Mentioning the struggle of fighters and people in the Resistance of the Age, Cuma pointed out that resistance against the invading Turkish state’s attacks continues.
Cuma stressed that everyone should be in solidarity with the people of Afrin that had to leave their homes due to the attacks of the invading Turkish state.
Cuma called on the people of Syria and Northern Syria to mobilize for Afrin’s people.