Solidarity from Basque political prisoners with hunger strikers
“We want to show our deepest respect to the Kurdish hunger-strikers. Your life and death commitment for your people and your dignity are an example for us.”
“We want to show our deepest respect to the Kurdish hunger-strikers. Your life and death commitment for your people and your dignity are an example for us.”
Basque political prisoners sent their greetings to the hunger strikers.
The prisoners from the Collective of Basque Political Prisoners (EPPK) in the prison of Mont de Marsan went on a one-day solidarity hunger strike.
The statement by Basque political prisoners said the following;
We are a bunch of Basque politic prisoners, imprisoned right away in Mont de Marsan (France) because our fight for the freedom of the Basque country. Which is the case of the rest of the members of EPPK, which collects nowadays 254 Basque political prisoners scattered all over plenty of jails across Spain and France, putting up with long prison terms. In the Basque country the fight for the independence and socialism is still in force, and we still are in the step, resisting, giving our best.
April 17th, the International Day of the Political Prisoners, is a good opportunity to pay tribute to all the Political prisoners who fight around the world for the right to Self-determination. Also, it’s a good opportunity to claim the status of Political Prisoner for all of us. It’s for sure that in this capitalist word, where the imperialism, the colonialism and the oppression of peoples and workers is common, the existence of Political prisoners is a hard reality, in the Basque country as much as in Kurdistan.
Yet, talking about solidarity, we just couldn’t forget on this day the Kurdish Political Prisoners, because their tough and courageous fight for their rights, which impact reaches our very hearts. We want to show our deepest respect to the Kurdish hunger-strikers. Your life and death commitment for your people and your dignity are an example for us. As a matter of fact, the combat of Kurdistan for living as free people in a free world is also ours.
Berxwedan Jîyane! Resistence is life! Erresistentzia bizitza da!
Free Them all!”