Support for Afrin from Mexico and Brazil
Organizations from Mexico and Brazil have issued support messages for the Kurdish people against the Turkish state’s attacks on Afrin.
Organizations from Mexico and Brazil have issued support messages for the Kurdish people against the Turkish state’s attacks on Afrin.
Indigenous rights organizations from Mexico and Brazil issued a statement titled “Stop the bombing in Afrin! Stop attacks against Kurdish people!”.
The statement points to the Rojava revolution and says, “Once again, peoples will defend their forcibly occupied collective freedoms house by house, yard by yard together with the YPG and the YPJ.”
The statement says YPG and YPJ have achieved a historic victory in the name of humanity in the war against ISIS and protests the international public’s silence towards Afrin.
The statement says, “We reject this war of destruction waged by the Turkish state and supported by Russia and the US against the Kurdish people and their goals for freedom.”
“The struggle of the peoples of Northern Syria and Kurdistan belongs to all of us: It is a struggle for a world that many worlds can fit into,” says the statement and continues: “That is why we shout out: Afrin is not far away! Afrin is next to us, it’s in our base, it’s to our left! Soldiers and paramilitary forces get out of our autonomy!”
The signatory organizations are as follows:
Nodo Solidale (Italy and Mexico)
International Platform for Self Government for Resistance and Building Autonomy PIRATA (Europe)
Indigenous Organizations for Human Rights Oaxaca (Mexico)
Committee to Defend Indigenous Rights (CODEDI) (Mexico)
Magonist Autonomy Collective (CAMA) (Mexico)
National Network of Civilian Resistance (Mexico)
Support for Women Street Brigade 'Elisa Martínez' (Mexico)
Santa Marta Mountain Articulation Process (Veracruz, Mexico)
Istma Council of Indigenous Peoples to Defend the Land and the Region (Mexico)
Radio Ñomndaa 100.10 FM Word of Water (Suljaa’, Guerrero, Mexico)
Guarani Yvyrupa Commission (Brazil) Blog (Italy)